Monday, January 22, 1990

"(LAST LATE) SUMMER NIGHT | The Memory Brothers


writer: Kevin Conner
album: Waiting for your Love
artists: The Memory Brothers
label: MEMENTO (BOF-67)
release date: 1990
publishing: Blue Baker Music BMI

  • lead vocal and acoustic guitar: Kevin Conner
  • keyboards, synth & drum programming: Doug Koempel
  • recorded at: Bird-On-Fire Recording Studio / West Union, Iowa
  • recorded and mixed by: Doug
Before I get to the song, I'd like to provide some context by giving you a quick bit of Memory Brothers' history . . .

1989 marked a pivotal time for us in the studio with the release of two, back-to-back albums, Tightrope! (1989) and Waiting for Your Love (1990.)

The significance was that - with these two album releases - I'd finally begun to achieve the recorded sound I'd been striving for. At that time the studio was already ten years old; but, prior to those two albums, that special studio magic that I'd hear on commercial recordings seemed elusive.

I'd visit other studios, read my Mix magazines and even contact the studio engineers and producers of some of my favorite recordings for tips and guidance. Finally by the late '80s as a result of equipment upgrades (ahh, my beautiful grand piano!), lots of professional advice and a decade of hands-on experience, it finally all began to come together.

And that's why I consider this two-album period in the late '80s/early '90s such a crucial time in Bird-On-Fire Studio's evolution. Now whenever I hear any one of the 24 tunes contained on those two albums, it really brings back some good memories.

And one of those memorable tunes just happens to be this week's featured song - "Summer Night". It's a perfect example of how Kevin was able to masterfully establish a mood through word pictures. Consider the opening lines:

Summer holds its memories, like the moon can hold the night,
A full moon with its shadows and its light,
Like a photograph I caught you, that face forever mine,
Frozen on one last late summer night.
The song then proceeds to tell a universal story of a new romance in a very simple, conversational manner by tapping in to the very same observations and thoughts that we've all had at some point in our lives. We think to ourselves, "Yes, I know that feeling. I've been there myself!"

To listen to "Summer Night" click below:

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