Tuesday, April 15, 2003

CRY, CRY, CRY | The Memory Brothers


writer: Kevin Conner
album: unreleased demo

  • lead and background vocals: Doug Koempel
  • bass, piano and acoustic guitar: Doug
  • lead guitar: Jasper Bigei
  • drums: Drums on Demand
  • recorded at Bird-On-Fire Recording Studio in West Union, Iowa (2003.)

Doug's notes:Kevin Conner writes those beautiful ballads. Right?

Well, don't assume easy-listening ballads are his only style. He's been known to crank out a rocker now and then. Don't forget he was inducted into the IRRMA Rock 'n Roll Hall of Fame a few years back! So don't be surprised when you give "Cry, Cry, Cry" a listen.

He wrote this in 2003 and sent me a rough, guitar/vocal demo in anticipation of a proposed Memory Brothers' album project. I worked up a studio version of the song; but due to a conflict in work schedules, Kevin wasn't able to make it up to the studio to record his guitar and vocals. Eventually the recording got shelved.

The demo sat on the shelf until 2012 when Christopher Jon and I were picking material for the Feelin' Alright album. I pulled two of Kevin's demos out of the locker, "Only You" and "Cry, Cry, Cry" for consideration. We ended up using "Only You" and back into the can went "Cry, Cry, Cry."

I don't know if or when I'll ever get Kevin back to the studio to finish up this recording; but in the meantime, here's the studio demo of this unreleased rocker!

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